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FREE Master Classes! New Classes begin in September 2024.

The Film Appreciation Academy explores the theory, criticism, and history of motion pictures. The FAA offers FREE 6-week ONLINE Master classes designed for aspiring young filmmakers and movie-goers who wish to enhance their knowledge and appreciation of film. Students are exposed to a vast array of films from the classic to the contemporary.



  • Inspiring creativity and channeling passion to a new generation of film lovers by offering unique online opportunity to explore and appreciate the magic and the power of the movies through peer-to-peer discussions and tasks designed to help prepare them for academic success.
  • Students watch a wide range of movies and will be invited to share their thoughts and feelings about them in a safe, bully-free space where there's no such thing as a "wrong" answer.
  • Students probe and discuss each film's impact personally, learning techniques for understanding and dissecting films and how to use them as lessons for life in a supportive and inspiring setting that cultivates their critical thinking, writing and communication skills.
  • Students learn to break films down into their component parts like writing, directing, acting, editing, lighting, sound, cinematography, music, and location, and assess how they create emotional impact.
  • Students build relationships with other young filmmakers and film lovers from across the country.
  • Students articulate and demonstrate an understanding of the history of cinema, in relation to filmmakers, style, movements and genres.
  • Students are exposed to career opportunities in the film industry.